
Updated laws on intellectual property

I am very pleased that the last piece of major legislation that updates Jersey’s suite of intellectual property laws has now been lodged. This particular piece of legislation deals with Intellectual Property Rights in Plant Varieties. This means that anyone who develops a distinct new variety of plant will be able to obtain an exclusive … Read more Updated laws on intellectual property

Fly your flags (without asking)

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Do you know you can do more to your home or business without planning permission, and we’ve brought in changes to make applying for planning more straightforward? When the Minister for Environment, Deputy Steve Luce came in, he asked the Planning Department to review the law on what you can do without planning permission, known … Read more Fly your flags (without asking)

eGov design authority – preferred supplier

The eGovernment programme is entering a period of negotiations with the preferred supplier for the design authority contract. ASE Consulting Ltd, ( a UK firm with a proven track record in public sector design architecture, have been named as the preferred supplier. Public Sector Reform eGov is a fundamental part of the Reform programme. For … Read more eGov design authority – preferred supplier

Making it easier to pay import GST online

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At Jersey Customs and Immigration Service (JCIS) we are improving our online revenue collection system which is accessed by private importers to pay excise/customs duty and import GST on goods imported into the Island. The current interface was developed when GST was introduced in 2008 and through listening to public feedback we recognised a redesign … Read more Making it easier to pay import GST online

Track My Bus

This week the Department of Infrastructure and Liberty Bus launched a beta version of Track My Bus, an online service that provides (close to) real time locations for all the buses on the Island as well as information on all routes and easily accessible timetables. As beta suggests this is still a work in progress … Read more Track My Bus

What can eco active do for your business in 2016?

Cancer screening – making it easier to get the appointment you want

Health, happiness and our environment

Can you put a cost on the contribution of the environment to our health and happiness? Yes, according to the authors of a study from the University of California. They say cities that invest in encouraging their citizens to be physically active show better economic productivity, higher property values and improved school performance. They also … Read more Health, happiness and our environment

Tell Us Once: part 2

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In Part 1 of this blog I explained the approach we are using to deliver the Tell Us Once (TUO) programme. In this second part I’ll review what we’ve delivered so far. Like the eGovernment programme itself, TUO is expanding both in terms of scope and team size. We aim to do more and at a faster pace and are continually learning from … Read more Tell Us Once: part 2

Towards a digital ID: part 2