
eGov Briefing, Tuesday 28 June 2016 [Postponed]

Jersey’s Digital Policy Framework – starting the conversation

People Directory pre-procurement stage closes

States of Jersey Viscount’s Departments tender pre-qualification

The States of Jersey Viscount’s Departments wishes to hear from suppliers who are interested in submitting a pre-qualification submission relating the sourcing of a replacement to the current Phoenix System. The Viscount’s Department is the executive arm of the Island’s Courts and States Assembly.  Its prime function is to support the delivery of Justice.  The … Read more States of Jersey Viscount’s Departments tender pre-qualification

People Directory slide deck (12 May 2016)

Join us to find out about the People Directory

e-parishes Positive Steps

Posted on Categories eGov, Parish, Tags

Every property owner is required to submit an Annual Rates Return of the land owned in each Parish, over 28,000 annual returns were made in 2015. This process is administered by the 12 Parish Connétables (Constables) . We recognised that an increasing number of parishioners now prefer to use an online option where possible so last … Read more e-parishes Positive Steps

Official notices on

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For over 55 years, official public and parish notices and other matters requiring to be brought to the attention of the public have been published within The Jersey Gazette. Official notices include enactments made by the States of Jersey and the dates of forthcoming parish assemblies and elections. Notices inform businesses of the deadlines for making their manpower returns, they … Read more Official notices on

Towards a digital ID: part 3

In December I blogged an update about our work towards introducing a digital ID for Jersey. If you missed that, please read part one and part two so that you understand the context for today’s blog post. OIX discovery project In “Towards a Digital ID – part 2” I introduced the Open Identity Exchange, and the … Read more Towards a digital ID: part 3

Innovation update

Posted on Categories Economy, Tags

The Innovation Review, launched in September last year, was designed to open a number of new chapters. It allows us to consider why we have succeeded in the past, to learn how we can improve on the present, and to be optimistic about our potential. Implementing the recommendations could make a meaningful difference to jobs … Read more Innovation update