Stable, transparent and well-regulated: maintaining Jersey’s international reputation

A key policy objective of the Government of Jersey is to ensure that the Island’s interests are represented at an international level. By developing our relationships with UK, European and international bodies we reinforce the message that Jersey is a cooperative partner, a good neighbour and, as an international finance centre, a well-regulated jurisdiction complying … Read more Stable, transparent and well-regulated: maintaining Jersey’s international reputation

Control of Jersey’s borders

For centuries many Jersey people have left the Island to live elsewhere. Conversely, others from many countries have come to Jersey to work in different industries, or to seek refuge. Thousands of French Protestant Huguenots came here in the late 17th and early 18th centuries to escape persecution in France. Then Irish workers came, to … Read more Control of Jersey’s borders

Budget 2017

Posted on Categories Brexit, Economy

Budget 2017 maintains our established principle that taxes should be low, broad, simple and fair. It proposes no fundamental change to our system of taxes, duties and charges, it encourages investment, growth and creates significant job opportunities, particularly for our young people. Some people have expressed concern that the tax burden is falling disproportionately on “middle … Read more Budget 2017

Jersey’s constitutional position in relation to Brexit

A changing world

In addition to his more widely publicised comments about forthcoming economic ‘turbulence’ and the post-Brexit ‘rollercoaster’, the UK Chancellor, Philip Hammond, also told the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham this month that business hates uncertainty. While commentators may be divided in their prognoses for the future of the economy and the effects of Brexit, very … Read more A changing world

Planning for the best possible future for Jersey after Brexit

Three months have passed since the Brexit vote and much water has passed under the proverbial bridge. The English media narrative has lurched from predicting imminent catastrophe to expressing cautious optimism about the future. The UK government has recovered some of its equilibrium although, viewed from the outside, there is little clarity about which lines … Read more Planning for the best possible future for Jersey after Brexit

Maintaining stability in an uncertain world

Jersey is well prepared for the post-Brexit world

On the evening of 23rd June 2016 few retired to bed contemplating the political and financial turmoil that the dawn would bring. The polls and the financial markets confidently predicted a ˊRemainˋ vote and sterling rose accordingly. By the morning, when the result was clear, sterling and the markets had crashed. Within hours the Prime … Read more Jersey is well prepared for the post-Brexit world