Sea Temperature Trends in Jersey Over the Last 60 Years

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This picture is part of a wider warming trend which is being seen across much of the globe and has been recently been highlighted in the media by Copernicus data (Climate change: World’s oceans suffer from record-breaking year of heat – BBC News). This is in line with what we would expect to see over the land and sea in a globally warming climate.

An equinox to remember

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For a great number of modern people, leading modern lifestyles, if rotten weather happens to coincide with the event, then it is sadly not even mentioned, let alone celebrated. However, in 2024, here in Jersey (and no doubt in most other nearby locations), the weather could not have been more spring-like… soft sunshine, barely a breath of wind and the highest temperatures of the year so far. People simply couldn’t stop talking about it.

Changing Season

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Autumn is a transitional season. A bridge between Summer and Winter, but the steepness/bumpiness of that bridge can vary greatly from year to year. However, it’s always a safe bet that the end of Autumn will be significantly colder than the beginning. The reason being astronomical…

Meteorological drought and thunderstorms, June 2023

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Friday 9th June marked the end of Jersey’s 131st period of absolute meteorological drought since official records began at the Maison St. Louis Observatory.

Commuting by bike… working with the weather for a smoother ride

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You may have heard people say, ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing’. Preparation is what weather forecasts are all about.

Channel Island Weather radar – among the most reliable

Fishy November weather at Corbiere

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With Storm Arwen’s N’ly gales providing a climax to the month of November and then the first week of December being hideously unsettled, it would be easy to forget that the majority of November was characterised by very light winds and comfortable mildness. To summarise the month… Week 1:  The airflow was slack because a … Read more Fishy November weather at Corbiere

Was 2021 a memorable summer for Jersey?

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No doubt it will be engrained in some peoples’ histories, due to such human experiences as first ‘hello’s or last ‘goodbyes’. However, even for these people, it may only be the dates, people and places that are memorable, whilst the changing daily ratio of summer’s raw ingredients (temperature, sunshine, rainfall etc) are as forgettable as … Read more Was 2021 a memorable summer for Jersey?