
Towards a digital ID – part 8

This latest instalment in my series on our journey towards introducing a digital ID scheme for Jersey describes our progress since my last post. If you’ve not been following the series, or if you need a refresher on how we’ve got to this point, please review the previous blog posts on this subject so that you … Read more Towards a digital ID – part 8

Cyber risk and security: Part 2

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Part 1 of this blog looked at what cyber risks are and what we need to understand in our approach to damage limitation. Cyber risk and security: Part 1 The business benefits offered by new technology introduce a range of new risks and opportunities as well as causing many existing risks to be re-evaluated. Keeping track of the … Read more Cyber risk and security: Part 2

Cyber risk and security: Part 1

Stable, transparent and well-regulated: maintaining Jersey’s international reputation

A key policy objective of the Government of Jersey is to ensure that the Island’s interests are represented at an international level. By developing our relationships with UK, European and international bodies we reinforce the message that Jersey is a cooperative partner, a good neighbour and, as an international finance centre, a well-regulated jurisdiction complying … Read more Stable, transparent and well-regulated: maintaining Jersey’s international reputation

Digital principles for a better digital government

Almost everyone has a view on what ‘digital’ means and unsurprisingly these can be different from one person to the other. It is for this reason that we identified the need to have sets of principles, setting a common way of thinking. The first set of principles is around Digital Design. These Digital Design Principles are a … Read more Digital principles for a better digital government

Engaging with the digital community to make digital services better

Our vision as the States of Jersey eGov and Design Authority team is: to design services around the customer to be better, quicker and simpler, to increase transparency, visibility and accessibility of customer information, to drive efficiency by improving efficiency across the States, and to support Digital Jersey in developing local digital capabilities aligned to … Read more Engaging with the digital community to make digital services better

Towards an Integration Platform: a Key Delivery for eGovernment – Part 2

In the last blog we looked at some of the more technical aspects of systems integration and how the use of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) can assist in exposing and reusing data and services owned by government departments. We will continue our look at microservices and also discuss our approach and usage of integration … Read more Towards an Integration Platform: a Key Delivery for eGovernment – Part 2

Towards an Integration Platform: a Key Delivery for eGovernment – Part 1

In this first of a two part series I will be introducing some of the more technical concepts around the integration of computer systems and why unlocking data is critical to the success of delivering government services to you online. As such, this blog post is mainly for those with a technical background. The problem of … Read more Towards an Integration Platform: a Key Delivery for eGovernment – Part 1

Digital Architecture and Design

Following the recent Design Authority industry day, a number of comments received from Jersey’s digital industry through Slack and other mediums related to architecture and design. The question arising from these comments can be summarised as ‘What is architecture and how is this different from design?’ The purpose of this blog is to clarify the … Read more Digital Architecture and Design

Helping people use online services

The primary objective of the eGov programme is to build better government services and deliver them online. That means building services people choose to use. There are lots of things we have to do better to achieve this; thinking about the customer when we build services, not thinking about any internal boundaries and testing services … Read more Helping people use online services