A pledge to a panel to ensure Jersey Children’s Day is never forgotten.

My First Year in Government

I have observed elections from the outside in the past and having worked for over a decade within the civil service, and more recently within the charitable sector, I have often noticed that this initial burst of energy tends to fade away rapidly as elected politicians revert to type and fall out of listening mode.

Inspiring Islanders with the NatWest International Island Games 2023

Chief Minister: reflections on one year in the role

Hospitality and Tourism – why is now a critical turning point and why do we need a strategy? 

Why we can’t give teachers a 15.4% pay rise

Connect Me: Connecting our Communities

New Healthcare Facilities Programme: The preferred option and the next steps

Q&A Blog: GST De Minimis

RegTech – the future of financial services

Digital ID and emerging areas such as open finance, blockchain analytics, and embedding legal contracts into complex financial products are all in their early stages and pose challenges – but they are the future of financial services. That overall conclusion was reached by the brilliant group of speakers who came over to Jersey for Future … Read more RegTech – the future of financial services