
Playing our part

In the past few weeks we have witnessed distressing scenes as thousands of people flee desperate situations in their homelands. More than 300,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe so far this year. Jersey has a long history of responding generously to humanitarian need and I believe it is right that we do what … Read more Playing our part

Social Security Minister on doing more with less

Business as usual all summer

Like most offices around the island, the corridors of Cyril Le Marquand House are quieter at this time of year, as people take their annual holidays. However for the departments we manage from Home Affairs, it is business as usual. The Fire Service was stretched to capacity last week when the island was hit by a … Read more Business as usual all summer

The challenge of social policy

Promoting economic growth

The Economic Development Department (EDD) oversees a large portfolio of activity which will be enhanced by the transfer of Sport and Culture later this year – subject to States approval. I am delighted to be working with my new Assistant Ministers: The Constable of St Brelade, Steve Pallett, who has responsibility for Sport, Liquor Licensing … Read more Promoting economic growth

The business of environment

Education Minister on digital learning

What will eGov deliver: Design Authority

Open data – the story so far

Posted on Categories eGov, Tags

The world is witnessing the growth of a global movement facilitated by technology and social media and fuelled by information – one that contains enormous potential to create more accountable, efficient, responsive, and effective governments and businesses, and to spur economic growth. Open data sits at the heart of this global movement. What is open … Read more Open data – the story so far

eGov – what’s been going on

Posted on Categories eGov

I am very aware of the deafening silence on eGov over the last couple of months and hope that this blog will go some way towards keeping you updated. There is a lot to cover in terms of where the programme currently is, so bear with me. The last 6 months After reviewing the direction … Read more eGov – what’s been going on