This week in eGov

Love Jersey

We started this week following the successful launch of the Department of Infrastructure’s interactive and well-received new fault reporting app and website: Love Jersey. If you haven’t heard about this you can read the news release.


Monday 8 August we kicked off by holding our internal eGov meeting with eGov project managers, business analysts, technical leads and the core eGov programme team.

The aim was to:

  1. create an opportunity to learn from each other and share successes
  2. introduce our Assistant Minister with responsibility for eGov Deputy Scott Wickenden to the wider team.

We’re delighted to have Deputy Wickenden join and further strengthen the eGov team at a ministerial level. He brings a wealth of experience with him and we’re excited to progress the eGov programme with his support.

Tuesday 9 August we held three briefings to update, inform and interact with:

  • the States Members
  • the local digital market
  • the media

Over a hundred of you joined us for these briefings and interacted with us during and after the briefing. We’d like to continue and repeat this conversation.

If you have any questions for us or would like to share feedback, get in touch with us via We also commit to organising quarterly eGov briefings and regular blog posts.

We hope you enjoyed our eGov briefings as much as we did. If you have missed the briefing or would like to review the content, you can access the presentation here.

Our next event

Friday 12 August the Reforming The Government public drop-in event takes place from 12.30pm – 2pm at St Paul’s Centre, Dumaresq Street, St Helier.

Please come along to ask Chief Minister Ian Gorst, Assistant Minister Deputy Scott Wickenden, Andrew Scate and Jonathan Williams any questions you may have about the MTFP, Public Sector Reform and eGov.

Deputy Scott WickendenJonathan Williams & Deputy Scott WickendeneGov briefingeGov briefingeGov briefingeGov briefing August 2016 6eGov briefing

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