We are back on! eGov Briefing, Tuesday 9 August 2016

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The eGov Team invites our local digital players to join us on Tuesday, 9 August, for an eGov Briefing.


During this session we will be sharing the refreshed eGov Vision, review the progress eGov Projects have made and present the eGov high-level plan.

The eGov Team is also excited to present to you Deputy Scott Wickenden, the newly appointed Assistant Minister with specific responsibility for eGov.

Date and location

14:00 – 15:00, Tuesday 9 August 2016 at:

St Paul’s Centre (Lower Hall)
Dumaresq Street


The Industry Briefing will discuss:

  • the vision of eGov
  • the progress and plans of eGov
  • possible procurement opportunities from the eGov programme


The format of the Industry Briefing will consist of a presentation with a Q&A.

Confirm your attendance by replying to eGov@gov.je with the names of the representatives from your organisation.

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