A YouGov poll in December 2014 found that three percent of people gave up on their New Year resolutions the very day they made them. By February nearly a third of people will have ditched their good intentions. Whether you’re succeeding with your personal goals or not, January is often a time to review and … Read more What can eco active do for your business in 2016?
gov.je blog
What can eco active do for your business in 2016?
Cancer screening – making it easier to get the appointment you want
Cancer is something that can affect many people’s lives in some way or another. As Head of Healthcare Programmes, I oversee the three cancer screening programmes we offer in Jersey: Bowel, Cervical and Breast. Screening is designed to saves lives by preventing cancer or detecting cancer as early as possible. We’ve made it easier for … Read more Cancer screening – making it easier to get the appointment you want
Health, happiness and our environment
Can you put a cost on the contribution of the environment to our health and happiness? Yes, according to the authors of a study from the University of California. They say cities that invest in encouraging their citizens to be physically active show better economic productivity, higher property values and improved school performance. They also … Read more Health, happiness and our environment
Tell Us Once: part 2
In Part 1 of this blog I explained the approach we are using to deliver the Tell Us Once (TUO) programme. In this second part I’ll review what we’ve delivered so far. Like the eGovernment programme itself, TUO is expanding both in terms of scope and team size. We aim to do more and at a faster pace and are continually learning from … Read more Tell Us Once: part 2
Towards a digital ID: part 2
This is part two of a series of blog posts about introducing a digital ID for Jersey. In part one I explained the reasons why we are looking at options for a citizen authentication scheme – if you haven’t read that, please do so to understand the context. In this post, I will outline the … Read more Towards a digital ID: part 2
A year of government
As we reach the end of a busy year it’s the time to take stock. We have seen some eye catching headlines and a lot has been said about our strategic priorities and financial plan. But government has been getting on with things. You can now pay your social security contributions online, police officers are … Read more A year of government
Competition and innovation
Since my last Ministerial update in September I’m pleased to report significant progress in all the areas of my political responsibilities. There has been continued growth in jobs and financial services, good progress on a digital strategy, we have welcomed the new Chief Executive Tony Moretta to Digital Jersey and published an Action Plan to … Read more Competition and innovation
Jersey on the international stage
Jersey has extensive political autonomy, and in many respects has the power to shape its own destiny, However the UK is responsible in law for the Island’s international relationships. We cannot join international organisations like the United Nations and the Council of Europe in our own right, nor can we make treaties or enter international agreements, … Read more Jersey on the international stage
Securing our borders
One thing I have learnt about being Home Affairs Minister is that events can overtake plans and you generally can’t predict what your next surprising phone call will be about. The certainty is that these are rarely happy events. After the terrible attack on Paris it was no surprise when the Chief of Police called … Read more Securing our borders
A year in the Treasury
This Council of Ministers is almost exactly a year into its term; it sometimes seems much longer! When I arrived at Treasury last November I was determined to set a clear path to sustainable public finances. I wanted long term solutions not short term fixes. It meant tackling a number of items in the ‘too difficult … Read more A year in the Treasury