World Water Week: Interesting facts and tips to reduce your use and bill

Earth Overshoot Day was marked on 2 August – the day when our demand for ecological resources and services in the year exceeded what Earth can regenerate in that year. The day fell during my second week as an Earthwatch intern with the Sustainability and Climate Change Engagement team, and we have been focusing on … Read more World Water Week: Interesting facts and tips to reduce your use and bill

Connect Me: Connecting our Communities

Q&A with I&E Chief Officer, Andy Scate, on Sewage Treatment Works

NOT a load of rubbish!

A guide to La Lande du Ouest – Site of Special Ecological Interest

Jersey’s south west coast includes a number of well-connected heathland sites. The long and narrow coastal site of La Lande du Ouest, or Gorselands, stretches from the prison, west towards Corbière lighthouse with large areas covered by heather, gorse and coastal grassland. Gorselands is very exposed to the Atlantic storms and gales and the dwarfed vegetation reflects this. … Read more A guide to La Lande du Ouest – Site of Special Ecological Interest

A guide to Les Blanches Banques – Site of Special Ecological Interest

Les Blanches Banques Site of Special Interest One of the many ways the States of Jersey tries to protect the Island’s natural environment is by identifying some of the most important places for wildlife and protecting them. The Island’s first ecological Sites of Special Interest (SSIs) were designated in 1996 and we now have 19 – … Read more A guide to Les Blanches Banques – Site of Special Ecological Interest

Half Term Holiday Fog

How often should we update our forecast?

Jersey’s sites of special interest

In a recent survey about Jersey’s future, the environment was a high priority for people. Despite the Island’s small size, it contains an incredibly diverse range of natural habitats alongside our more built-up areas and many would argue that Jersey’s countryside and coast contribute significantly to our quality of life. One of the many ways … Read more Jersey’s sites of special interest

Why I want to introduce a land development charge