New Healthcare Facilities Programme – Team Update #1

This is the first in a series of regular blogs that are designed to provide Islanders and colleagues across the Government of Jersey with an update on the work of the New Healthcare Facilities Programme team. Our team are tasked by Ministers with delivering new healthcare facilities that are fit for purpose, cost effective and … Read more New Healthcare Facilities Programme – Team Update #1

Easy read: building accessible and inclusive services in government

The Adult Learning Disability Service and the Web Services Team have delivered a project that transforms the way people with learning disabilities access information on  This exciting project has delivered easy read content in HTML format and improves our easy read communications going forward.  Take a look at our Easy read Adult Learning and … Read more Easy read: building accessible and inclusive services in government

Digital mums create a brand new pregnancy and birth site on

The Digital Delivery Team is 60% female including 3 fairly new mothers (and, at the time of writing, one very pregnant lady!). We’re responsible for UX and content strategy on, this means it’s our job to merge people and technology and make sure that our customers have a positive experience when they’re engaging with our online … Read more Digital mums create a brand new pregnancy and birth site on

Funding a new hospital for Jersey

Posted on Categories Economy, Health

It seems like we have been talking about a new hospital for a long time. Do we need it? Where should it go? How much will it cost? I am convinced that we do need a new hospital. The existing building has developed piecemeal over many decades and its physical condition, assessed in an independent survey, … Read more Funding a new hospital for Jersey

Ant’s Challenge

Ant’s Challenge

Ant’s Challenge

How do we shape a long-term vision for Jersey

In my last blog post, I looked at why we need a long-term vision for Jersey – an addition to the four year plans set by each Council of Ministers and which would be the guiding document by which all other policies across government would be guided and informed. How though do we begin the process … Read more How do we shape a long-term vision for Jersey

Cancer screening – making it easier to get the appointment you want

Health, happiness and our environment

Can you put a cost on the contribution of the environment to our health and happiness? Yes, according to the authors of a study from the University of California. They say cities that invest in encouraging their citizens to be physically active show better economic productivity, higher property values and improved school performance. They also … Read more Health, happiness and our environment