Technical Architecture Industry Day

eGov graphicAll Jersey-based suppliers are invited to attend an open session to learn about the ongoing work to develop the States of Jersey’s Technical Architecture.


The objective of the session will be to share the States of Jersey Architecture Framework which informs technology delivery. Suppliers will be provided the artefacts for reference. The session will allow for questions regarding the Architecture Framework and will provide Suppliers with an understanding of the Principles, Architectures, Standards and Guidelines within it.

The session will be technical. Please note that questions regarding ongoing procurements will not be taken at this time in line with States of Jersey procurement rules.


Please register by 17:30 on 9 December 2017 by sending an email to Include the following for each attendee:

  1. name
  2. company affiliation
  3. email address


Location: St Helier, Jersey
Date: 13 December 2016
Time: 13:00 to 15:00

Venue details confirmed to registrants on 12 December 2016 by 14:30.

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