
Hospitality and Tourism – why is now a critical turning point and why do we need a strategy? 

Why we can’t give teachers a 15.4% pay rise

Connect Me: Connecting our Communities

New Healthcare Facilities Programme: The preferred option and the next steps

Q&A Blog: GST De Minimis

RegTech – the future of financial services

Digital ID and emerging areas such as open finance, blockchain analytics, and embedding legal contracts into complex financial products are all in their early stages and pose challenges – but they are the future of financial services. That overall conclusion was reached by the brilliant group of speakers who came over to Jersey for Future … Read more RegTech – the future of financial services

Chief Minister: Reflections on the British-Irish Council Summit

The ability to consider and act on shared challenges and promote Jersey was a key benefit of hosting and attending the 39th British-Irish Council (BIC) Summit last week, as we discussed the latest political developments from across the member administrations since the last Summit in November 2022, which was hosted in Blackpool by the UK. … Read more Chief Minister: Reflections on the British-Irish Council Summit

Working in partnership to support infant feeding

Every parent wants to give their baby the best start in life. For those who choose to breastfeed and are able to, breastfeeding provides health benefits for infants that can last a lifetime as well as protecting the health of the breastfeeding mother The Government of Jersey is committed to improving the health of Islanders … Read more Working in partnership to support infant feeding

Q&A with I&E Chief Officer, Andy Scate, on Sewage Treatment Works

Meteorological drought and thunderstorms, June 2023

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Friday 9th June marked the end of Jersey’s 131st period of absolute meteorological drought since official records began at the Maison St. Louis Observatory.