News and Scrutiny released on the States Assembly beta website

The beta version of the States Assembly website is nearing completion. We have added plenty more pages for users to try out at: and we are just starting development on the remaining pages before we go live. Scrutiny homepage One of the main things we wanted to achieve as part of the website refresh … Read more News and Scrutiny released on the States Assembly beta website

Your first look at the States Assembly beta website

Our beta version of the States Assembly website is online and available for everyone to test. We have been releasing the website in stages over the last four months and testing it with various users. So far the feedback has been really positive. Each page is getting a make-over with a new look and feel, improved features and more importantly they are responsive for … Read more Your first look at the States Assembly beta website

States Assembly and Scrutiny websites refresh

The States Assembly and Scrutiny websites are being updated to make them easily accessible on smartphones and tablets. This has given us an opportunity to look at both of the sites in detail and explore how they can be improved. We’ve decided to merge the two sites on to make Scrutiny information easier to … Read more States Assembly and Scrutiny websites refresh