In a previous blog post we discussed what goes into creating a Feasibility Study, and how the NHFP team were engaging with Health and Community Services (HCS) staff to produce their report.
The NHFP Feasibility Study looked at two options for multi-site healthcare delivery in Jersey.
Both options are based on what is called an Acute and Ambulatory split. This basically means an Inpatient and Outpatient split; where one site deals with more complex care and is open 24 hours, while the other offers planned care and therapies, and is only open during the day.
This split was the preferred option of health staff and clinicians when we consulted with them across the last three months. You can watch the video below to understand the different options for clinical split that health staff considered when selecting Acute and Ambulatory.
The two options we considered, based on Acute/Ambulatory model, were:
Option A: Acute (Inpatients) at Kensington Place and Ambulatory (Outpatients) at Overdale.
Option B: Acute (Inpatients) at Overdale and Ambulatory (Outpatients) at Kensington Place.
Both options also include building a Community Health Village in St Saviour, with a possible location for mental health services, and the continued use of the Enid Quenault Health and Wellbeing Centre at the old Les Quennevais School site.
In developing these two options, the team have included facilities that were not in the scope of the Our Hospital single-site design, like rehabilitation and step-down care, dementia beds, and multiple therapies like physiotherapy and hydrotherapy.
Both the options were then evaluated in a transparent process, which you can read more about in the next blog in this series.