My First Year in Government

I have observed elections from the outside in the past and having worked for over a decade within the civil service, and more recently within the charitable sector, I have often noticed that this initial burst of energy tends to fade away rapidly as elected politicians revert to type and fall out of listening mode.

New Healthcare Facilities Programme: The preferred option and the next steps

Working in partnership to support infant feeding

Every parent wants to give their baby the best start in life. For those who choose to breastfeed and are able to, breastfeeding provides health benefits for infants that can last a lifetime as well as protecting the health of the breastfeeding mother The Government of Jersey is committed to improving the health of Islanders … Read more Working in partnership to support infant feeding

Advisory Board for Health and Community Services

New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: How will we ensure value for money?

Our new plan for multi-site Healthcare Facilities will deliver a third more space than the previous project; which means delivering services that were not in the brief for Our Hospital like rehab care, step down care, and therapies including Hydrotherapy. We’ve made a commitment to deliver healthcare facilities in a cost-effective way that represents the … Read more New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: How will we ensure value for money?

New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: What happens next?

We will now enter a month of consultation with Islanders, before the final version of the Feasibility Study Report is presented to the States Assembly in early July 2023. This will include engagement with: We’ll be releasing details of the various methods of engagement shortly and will be reaching out to the residents of Overdale, … Read more New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: What happens next?

New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: Why is multi-site healthcare better than a single hospital?

While developing the Feasibility Study, the Programme team have also been preparing the Strategic Outline Case (SOC) for the new healthcare facilities. The SOC basically sets out the strategic reasons for the Programme: to deliver fit for purpose healthcare facilities for all Islanders now and in the future, to replace the outdated and inefficient facilities … Read more New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: Why is multi-site healthcare better than a single hospital?

New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: Why was Option B selected?

New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: How did we evaluate the two options?

The two options for multi-site healthcare have been assessed against a series of criteria that link back to the Programme’s Critical Success Factors. As a reminder, they are: Option A: Acute (Inpatients) at Kensington Place and Ambulatory (Outpatients) at Overdale. Option B: Acute (Inpatients) at Overdale and Ambulatory (Outpatients) at Kensington Place. The options were … Read more New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: How did we evaluate the two options?

New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: What are the two options for multi-site healthcare?

In a previous blog post we discussed what goes into creating a Feasibility Study, and how the NHFP team were engaging with Health and Community Services (HCS) staff to produce their report.   The NHFP Feasibility Study looked at two options for multi-site healthcare delivery in Jersey. Both options are based on what is called … Read more New Healthcare Facilities Feasibility Study: What are the two options for multi-site healthcare?