Throughout September the Disability & Inclusion team have been working on the Sunflower campaign with a series of free online webinars.
Building up to the main event which took place at Charing Cross on the 22nd of September. (A particular mention to Autism Jersey for helping with the event on the day.)
This was an opportunity for Islanders to come down, have a chat with the team and find out more about Hidden Disabilities and what the Sunflower represents.

Do you know what the Hidden Disabilities are?
Globally 1 in 6 of us live with a disability. That is approximately 1.3 billion people. Only 17% of people with disability were born with their disabilities. There are to date, over 900 recognised Hidden Disabilities List of Hidden Disabilities.
So, what does the Sunflower mean?
People choose to wear to the Sunflower to discreetly indicate that they have a hidden disability and may need help, assistance, or simply more time. You can show your support for the Sunflower scheme by wearing a green or white lanyard.

It’s worth remembering, not every disability is visible, some are just not obvious.
What can you do if you see someone wearing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower?
- Ask if you can help
- Be kind
- Listen closely
- Have patience
- Do not judge
- Show respect
You may have noticed the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower displayed in shop windows throughout King Street, all the businesses involved have attended the Hidden Disabilities webinar training and want to do their part to make their business a more inclusive place for Islanders to shop.
If you would like to get involved there is a free webinar training video you can watch (Hidden Disabilities Webinar Training Video), the video is 12 minutes & 52 seconds long. Once you click onto the link you will have to request access to watch the video.
You can also pick up your own Sunflower lanyards from Customer & Local Services, Broad Street Reception, Jersey Library, St. Helier Town Hall & St Brelades Parish Hall.
If you would like to find out more about Hidden Disabilities and the Sunflower, please use the following link hdsunflower.com