When the two options were assessed in the Evaluation Workshops, as discussed in our previous blog post, Option B was clearly the preferred option of all the evaluation panels.
Why was this the case?
- Option B scored higher in all evaluation questions than Option A, and significantly higher in the evaluation by clinicians, who rated Option B ‘Very Good’, while Option A was only ‘Adequate’.
- The construction plan for Option B will provide an operational acute hospital by 2028, earlier than Option A by four years.
- It uses both sites to their best potential, optimising the use of Modern Methods of Construction and minimising the delays in construction due to site size and accessibility.
- It minimises the impact of construction vibration and noise on the sickest patients, which could be more significant in Option A.
- It provides the opportunity for better and more efficient clinical adjacencies (where clinical teams are located) due to the larger size of the site.
- Outpatient and day case facilities will remain in town with greatest ease of pedestrian access, public transport, and parking, including access to the Urgent Treatment Centre.
- It will provide peaceful treatment and recovery space for inpatients at Overdale, with increased privacy compared to a town location.
- It provides increased capacity for future expansion on both sites, compared to Option A.
In the next of our blog posts, we explore the work being done to develop a Strategic Outline Case, and why the multi-site healthcare proposal is better than a single site solution.