When I first came into post I knew that I wanted to meet people face-to-face to hear first-hand about issues within our health system from those who have previously or currently use the services we provide, and what they think can be done to improve it.
That’s because I don’t underestimate the impact that someone’s experience with my department can have on their, or a loved one’s, condition and I’m committed to making sure that Health and Community Services offers the best possible care and support to Islanders.

It is with this in mind that I launched a series of Ministerial Roadshows in January as it is only by hearing from Islanders that I can make meaningful changes to the benefit of everyone.
These informal roadshows are in addition to the ongoing Meet the Ministers sessions which have also been launched to engage with Islanders on matters of interest and Government decision making.,
So far, I and my Assistant Ministers, Deputy Rose Binet and Deputy Malcolm Ferey, have undertaken five roadshows and it’s fair to say that our conversations with Islanders have provided great insight and been rewarding, interesting, and at times, challenging.
We’ve discussed a great variety of topics with Islanders, from waiting lists to recruitment of healthcare staff and from investment in primary care to patient experiences in hospital. It has given us plenty of food for thought.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Islanders who have given up their time to come and talk to us. Their views and thoughts are invaluable as we progress our plans for a radical turnaround and transformation of HCS. And, if we have not yet been to a roadshow in your parish, we hope you’ll be able to come and chat to us at a future event – the dates coming up are below.
As a Ministerial team, we will now consider the comments that we have received, how they fit in with our ministerial priorities, and work out the best way forward to make improvements.
I look forward to updating you about this in the future.
We still have eight roadshows to go and I hope to see you in your home parish soon.
The upcoming dates are:
- 27 March – Grouville
- 17 April – St Helier (#1)
- 4 May – Trinity
- 11 May – St Martin
- 18 May – St Clement
- 8 June – St Saviour
- 22 June – St Helier (#2)
- 26 June – St Peter
I know that people may want to contact Health and Community Services to let us know about their experiences.
If you have a comment, or would like to give a compliment or make a complaint about your experience with HCS, please log it via feedback@health.gov.je
You can also call the team on 443515 or write to them at HCS Feedback Team, 4th Floor, Peter Crill House, The General Hospital, St Helier, JE1 3QS.
Your feedback is meaningful and of real value.
Providing the services you need and deserve, every day is part of our duty to serve you well.