100 Men Aloud: Reinvigorating Jersey’s Choral Culture 

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The Vision of 100 Men Aloud 

Jersey has a rich musical history, but in recent years, the island has witnessed a decline in male participation in singing. The 100 Men Aloud project aimed to reverse the trend, engaging men from all walks of life with the joy and camaraderie of singing. Under the direction of Francis Murton and Annette Blanchet and thanks to the support of a Connect Me Grant the initiative sought to reintroduce two generations of men—those who have drifted away from singing and those who have never tried—back into the choral world.  

Building a team 

100 Men Aloud has been more than just a singing project; it is a cultural movement. By engaging men in singing, the initiative sought to strengthen the island’s musical traditions and inspire more people to take up singing. By uniting experienced singers, beginners, and enthusiasts, the pair worked to form a massed choir of over 100 voices, performing alongside the Harmony Men and the talented teenagers of Victoria College. 

A Cultural Revival  

The decline in male participation in choirs is not unique to Jersey, but it is more noticeable here compared to larger places in the UK or Europe. Many local choirs are struggling due to the lack of male voices. This project hasn’t just been about singing; it’s about rebuilding a sense of community, fostering teamwork, and promoting well-being through collective musical expression.  

The Power of Singing 

Singing is a powerful tool for improving mental health and well-being. Numerous studies have shown that singing in a group can reduce stress, enhance mood, and foster a sense of belonging. For men, who may often find it challenging to express their emotions, singing offers a unique outlet for creativity and emotional release. The act of singing together creates a sense of unity and shared purpose, breaking down social barriers and building lasting friendships. 

Join the Movement 

If you are a man living in Jersey, then 100 Men Aloud invites you to be part of this exciting project. Whether you have years of singing experience or have never sung a note, your voice is needed. Join them in this unique opportunity to be part of something bigger than yourself, to make new friends, and to contribute to the rich musical heritage of our island. 

Connect Me: Connecting Our Communities

Connect Me is a Government of Jersey initiative that provides grants of up to £5,000 for projects which increase opportunities for Jersey residents to participate in arts or physical activities for wellbeing. Click here to find out more.

Find out about the Elemental Service

Elemental is an online social prescribing platform that allows healthcare professionals to refer patients to community programs and services that can help them improve their health and well-being. 

Islanders have the flexibility to self-refer or seek assistance from a link worker. Elemental showcases a diverse range of charities and services which also includes organisations that have received funding from the Connect Me scheme to deliver community-based activities.​


For further information or if you have any questions, email connectme@gov.je.

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