In 2023, Islanders collectively logged over one million kilometres on Love to Ride, the cycling behaviour change programme. That’s further than going all the way to the moon and back!

The initiative launched in March 2023 with ‘Ride into Spring’ where Islanders were encouraged to ride their bikes with the incentive of winning prizes. This was the first of four challenges which ran throughout the year:
- Ride into Spring (March)
- Bike Month Challenge (May)
- Cycle September
- Winter Wheelers (December)
More than 1,300 Islanders and 183 workplaces got involved over the year. Several public engagement activities were run by the Sustainability and Climate Change team, with the aim of inspiring more Islanders to swap the steering wheel for handlebars.

In March, bananas were handed out to those who were cycling into town and a banana themed cycle ride was organised in collaboration with Fairtrade Jersey. In May, bicycle commuters had the opportunity for a free hairdo or hand massage from Highlands College hair and beauty students in the Royal Square. In September, Love to Ride Workplace Champions were invited to an inspiring event with guest speaker, Jersey Employment Trust’s Nick Ozouf, who took on a cycling challenge on an adapted cycle. In December, indoor cycle rides in the gym or spinning classes were allowed for the first time.
The Love to Ride programme has been a lot of fun, with many Islanders winning fantastic prizes including brand new e-bikes, local hospitality vouchers and experiences, and workplace visits from Lulu’s ice cream bike, to only name a few.

But the real reason behind this campaign is a little more serious. To reach Jersey’s Net Zero targets, at least 10% of Jersey’s commuter journeys need to be made by cycling by 2030. This means more than 8,000 Islanders who are currently driving fossil fuel cars need to switch to a sustainable mode of transport in the next six years.
In 2023, almost 42% of all journeys logged on Love to Ride Jersey were for transport (getting from A to B rather than for leisure). This year, we hope to shift this to a higher percentage and encourage more women to ride regularly.
Globally, Love to Ride has helped more than 550,000 people around the world to either start riding or to ride their bike more often. The Jersey statistics speak for themselves, with Jersey being congratulated and recognised for recording some of the best regional results in the British Isles!
We’re bringing Love to Ride back for 2024 and hope it will be even more successful than last! Islanders are encouraged to sign up at for free. There are plenty of resources on the website to get you started, with top tips, courses, a social feed, local leader boards and the chance to earn badges and win prizes for simply getting on a bike.
Whether it’s for your fitness, mental health and wellbeing, or to reduce your carbon footprint, cycling can benefit you. Whatever your reason for riding, why not get involved with Love to Ride today?